
Unisaw fence upgrade
Unisaw fence upgrade

The unifence is probably the old style with the white nylon rub pads an the rear mounted cursor, to order spares you must talk to a tech not an order taker who will send you all the fine parts for the new style unifence-I have some of the part #'s here and some in Tn. If you buy it check everything and get parts NOW. It is a massive construction but the replacement parts are starting to vanish as BD now runs the parts in Jackson Tn. delta right tilt and in late March will lube it up, mount the new metal motor cover(only a few left), mount the new DC port in the rear base trim, change the belts, mount and align the top and install the new 50" unifence rail. G, I just finished cleaning up an'85 3hp. By the way, if the wiring is not in good condition, you can replace for just a few $ in new wire available at any electrical supply or home center. Leeson Electric manufactures a 3HP, 220V-1Ph direct replacement motor for the Unisaw. If you plan to do a lot of heavy sawing, a 3HP motor would do wonders for this package. If the cabinet and table are in good condition, and you are happy with the overall unit.$700 is not an unreasonable price. You can also remove the blade, start the motor, and listen to the arbor bearing housing with a long screwdriver held to your ear.have your buddy shut down the motor and listen to the bearings while spinning down. If it checks ok, and sounds ok when running, perform an amperage check while actually cutting a piece of wood.you'll need a buddy for this trick. I would remove the cabinet inspection cover and perform the checkout with a good light. If the saw has the older model switch, it should have heater coils for motor protection.might want to ensure the correct coils are in place. If you have access to an ammeter it would be a good idea to check the motor amps. Suggest you give it a thorough inspection.elevating and tilting mechanisms, arbor runout (use a dial indicator), motor mount, belts, switch, wiring for brittle insulation, and general condition of the cabinet.

Unisaw fence upgrade